
there are things
important things
small things
wild things
big dreams
you ought
to run at

there are
a million ways
to use your time
a million ways
to waste your time
and mine
how will we spend it?

there are
fights to be fought
sorrys to be said
thank yous to give
helping hands to hold
hugs to have
friends to meet
dances to dance
walks to walk
smiles to shine
prayers to speak

will I
listen with an open heart
will I
eat with gratitude
will I
live with gumption

child of God,
you and I
have been given
this gift
of life
to spend
as we wish

oh the world
will define
far too much
of it

we must
for grace's sake
to live
with a glimmer in our eyes
with a spring in our step
with a song to sing
with the Spirit breathing

(thinking about Ecclesiastes and Galatians 5:16-26)