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Making a Book in Google Slides

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

I love to use Google Slides for presentations - and I am working on a small project with my poetry (whoop whoop get excited!) where I want to create small books I can stitch together with a sewing machine.

I easily found a tutorial for how to create a booklet in Google Slides, but could not find a template I could work off of. So I figured I'd share the template online for some other amateur bookmakers to use & enjoy. Here it is!

This template is designed to create a book out of 8.5x11" paper, with 40 pages (including front & back cover) printed front & back on 20 sheets of paper. The pages are numbered on the slides.

I might also create another template for a half-page (creating a 5.5x8.5" book you could print on regular paper and then cut down to the smaller size). If I do, I'll update this post with the link to that template as well.

UPDATE: immediately after writing this, I realized that there is an easier way (oh well, live & learn). You can simply create the Google Slides pages to be 5.5x8.5" and then download the document as a PDF, with Adobe Acrobat Reader, in the print options there is the choice to print as a booklet. Here's the template for that.

That does not solve the smaller booklet, so I may still make & share a template for that.

Happy creating, friends.

With thanks and love,


Prayer Requests:

- just thanks, to be rooted for some time in a home, in Baltimore, in community.

- that I'd be intentional and prayerful with how I invest my time, talent, money, and energy.

- send me yours! Thanks.


© 2020 Mia Rickenbach

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